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Women are the most creative beings on earth. You have inspiring ideas and daring dreams, however it can sometimes be a challenge to get the dreams out of your head and onto paper so you can design a plan to make it happen. Most likely, your “to-do” list is overflowing and your Big Idea hasn’t found a way to make it to the top of the list.
In my work with women, finding time to create is often the biggest obstacle they face. They can see in their mind what they want, however it’s essential to take that next step of designing a plan of action for it to become real. Once they embrace a plan to create their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals into the world, they gain momentum and things begin to happen very fast.
I’m going to share a few solutions I use when I’ve got a burst of creativity or a new program or product that I want to get out into the world.
Whether you have a book inside of you, a new program you want to create for your business or maybe you have an idea for a new business you want to start, here are 3 solutions that are guaranteed to work every time:
1. The Golden Hour – Nearly every day, I wake 1 hour before my family to catch that “golden” hour of quiet, peaceful creative time. I have a short, meditative practice to honor the new day and then I work on new projects, journal about new ideas, articles (I’m writing this at 6am with the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows). It’s a proactive way to begin the day feeling a sense of accomplishment.
2. Change the Scenery – Sometimes you just need to grab your journal or laptop and head to the local coffee shop, library or maybe the park if the weather is pleasant. Different environments offer new perspectives and you may find yourself more creative when you leave familiar territory.
3. Check-Out and Check-in – This has made a HUGE difference in my business and my life. When I’m on a deadline or tackling a big program launch, I check out of my life and check into a hotel, B&B or retreat center for 24 hours. (my program for clients who work with me long-term is a one night stay at a local B&B where we spend a full day creating and launching their next Big Idea.) This really works if you act on it. I’m amazed each time I do this how much I can accomplish when I check-out for 24 hours.
It’s vital to protect this valuable gift of time you’ve given yourself. To maximize your creative time, get inspired and unleash your brilliance:
Say “No” to:
*Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn
*Phone calls
Say “Yes” to:
*A timer to keep you on track and focused (most smart phones have these now. Set it for periods of 30 minutes up to 1 hour and then take a walk, grab a cup of coffee and relax before you get started again)
*A bubble bath or long steamy shower
*A glass of wine to celebrate your accomplishments
I’m always asked, “Joy, how do you get it all done?” First of all, I don’t. There are tons of ideas rolling around in my head and in my journal that I haven’t acted on–yet. However, when I make the decision to create something new for Smart Women Smart Solutions® this is exactly how I do it.
You are creative. Make it happen.
© 2011 Joy Chudacoff
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, 2 FREE Reports and FREE MP3 now at Creating The Spark .
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