Thursday 28 August 2014

Redefining the need of flash flip books

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With the passage of time, technology is changing and same is the case with publishing trends of the people. Once people used to publish books in the paper form, then the technology tilted them towards the pdf format. And now it’s time for flip books or more commonly known as flash flip books.

Courtesy to flip books, thousands and millions of people read these flip books through their laptops, ipads etc around the globe. A flip book is a book in the digital form which gives its readers an experience of the flip. Some people believe that it’s a new way of enjoying books in the pdf format.

There are lots of soft wares in the market which convert your pdf documents into flip books. So one important aspect to consider in this regard is whether you want to use your publication for commercial purpose or for a non commercial one. If you are going for non-commercial and mostly known as personal usage then any flip book software should be enough. But if you want your publications to be commercial then you ought to look for more sophisticated ones.

Basically, these flash books have offered a new ease to the publishers. Here you can have an idea that how the flip books are published. You might wish to convert your pdf documents into a flipbook. But first, you need to have your written material in the pdf format. Then you should purchase flash flip software. The first step is to upload your pdf document in the flip software. Once you are done with this the exercise to have your own flip book starts.

As a publisher of the flip books, at first you should decide about the dimensions of the book.  You can have your book published in horizontal form or in vertical one. Another suitable option for publishing your book would be in the square form. After deciding about the form of your flip book, the next step is to set the width and height of the book. You can choose from different dimensions in a x b form. Kindly don’t select any awkward dimension as the reader or the users of your published material might face difficulty in using your material. Then the next mark is to have your wording about the page size, should it be a small one or the large one; even you could use the medium page size. Select such a page size which is user friendly.Page flip Your decision about all these factors would put you in a position to publish your book material in an artistic manner. But all this depends upon the subject matter of your work which you are going to publish and present it to the people in the flip book form; even if it is only for your personal usage.


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Redefining the need of flash flip books

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