Sunday 31 August 2014

Review: BlueLounge's Kickflip is a low-cost way to make typing on Apple's ...

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Review: BlueLounge's Kickflip is a low-cost way to make typing on Apple's

Desk-bound laptop users have long employed docking stations, stands, external monitors, and wireless keyboards and mice to give their laptop the same ergonomic benefits as a properly-configured desktop machine. Laptop users … Using the Kickflip is …
Read more on Apple Insider

Just how much do you trust Siri?

One was a nurse, designed to take a person's blood pressure, provide basic medical advice and offer to book an appointment with a doctor. The other was a security guard, equipped with a closed-circuit surveillance system that alerted … As machines …
Read more on Dallas Morning News

The methods, myths and mysteries of hashing

The stories behind such names as Hot Tub Slime Machine, Tragic Carpet Ride and Close Your Eyes and Hope for the Breast are not discussed with outsiders (and they're likely unsuitable for publication anyway). Once a hash name is given, legal names are …
Read more on Washington Post (blog)

Review: BlueLounge's Kickflip is a low-cost way to make typing on Apple's ...

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