Tuesday 26 August 2014

Latest Scribd Ebooks News

Post from http://www.danieluk.net

Study shows readers absorb less information when reading on a Kindle

As ebooks become more popular, scientists (and educators) have begun to wonder if the experience a reader gets from reading using an electronic device is different from that experienced by those reading words printed on paper—or more specifically, if …
Read more on Phys.Org

Does the Acquisition of BookLamp Signal Apple's Entry Into the Ebook

There is good chance that Apple will launch an ebook subscription service by the fourth quarter of this year. Based on what Kindle Unlimited, Oyster, Scribd and others cost, it's probably going to cost $ 9.99 per month. Apple might even get the back …
Read more on Digital Book World

Latest Scribd Ebooks News http://www.danieluk.net/news/latest-scribd-ebooks-news/

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