Saturday, 31 January 2015

Guys" and Gals" Different Weight Loss Styles

Post from

Ok, sometimes we men need a bit of encouragement when it comes to our weight loss goals, and here are some blurbs on men vs. women dieting and weight loss styles I thought might make some of us feel encouraged…

Guys can say “no” to problem foods: A recent study presenting male and female subjects their favorite foods, then monitoring their brain activity using PET scans found men were able to suppress their hunger and their desire to eat, many of the women continued to crave their favorite foods, even after being told to think of something else. This “emotional eating,” is a common challenge for the ladies but not men.

Guys do need help learning about nutrition: When a woman decides to go on a diet, the first stop she’ll make is the healthier aisles of the grocery store and she’ll look for nutrients, read food labels and focus on healthy cooking and healthy meals. Guys on the other hand are not quite as sophisticated.

Guys compete to lose: For men, losing weight is a sport and he’ll bet a friend he can lose more weight for example, but women would be more inclined to buy new dresses together after reaching their goal. Men also performed better in incentive studies than women did when they “earned” cash for each pound they lost.

Guys don’t care as much about their weight: Studies show that many men tend to diet for health reasons or health scares, rather than appearance yet women are more likely to diet because of social pressures. Being heavier is less stigmatizing for a guy which means men are less likely than ladies to be dissatisfied with their bodies.

Guys hit the gym to lose weight: Men are more likely to lose more weight at first after joining the gym because he has more muscle mass and is more likely to attack a weight loss goal by exercising.

Kurt nimmo is a health specialist and exercise guru. For more tips and advice by kurt, visit

Guys" and Gals" Different Weight Loss Styles #Food

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