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Its very recent that common people began to recognize an eBook reader since after its inception. Even for those who do not know its actual purpose and utility, knowing its name is not a big deal. People are at least familiar with this term even if they have never seen or used it. Still for those who are clueless about this device and those who have only heard about it, I would first simplify the meaning here. As the name reads, a portable eBook reader stands for a device which stores your reading material and facilitates your reading wherever you are. It can store thousands of books in its memory and can be taken it everywhere with you.
An eBook reader carries out many functions. If you go out to check an eBook reader in the market, you will come across various brands. Its foremost function undoubtedly is to read the stored text only, but there are more options which come in aid of reading it. For instance, using a pen to mark important lines is a common practice while reading, but you cannot use your pen on the screen of any device. To simplify this problem, there is a highlighter which helps you highlight the text you want, as similar as you do with your tangible books. I also remember students putting bookmarks inside the last pages they read, so that they can carry on the same reading sometime later. Same can be done with your portable reader, since you can book mark the sections you prefer to read. Some eBook readers like kindle have a read-to-me option which can read out the text for you and that too very loudly.
Reading from such a light weight and small device also helps the users to read even in dark with the help of screen light, while the printed version cannot be read in the absence of light. There is Wi-Fi availability in few of the readers currently available in the market. It provides access to with which one can log in and download books in few seconds to read on his device.
When you step out to buy your portable eBook reader, you need to look for all such functions which make it easier to use it. Since there are gadget giants who are set to lure you with various options, therefore a basic comparison of these features needs to be done before you buy it. The leading makers of eBook reader are Amazon, Hanvon, Barnes & Noble and Sony etc. Some of them promise a long battery, others provide touch screen functionality, but Amazon tops the list with its Kindle eBook reader, for the variety it provides. It remains the most loved and picked brand when it comes to eBook readers.
Where to Buy a Kindle, Info on the Amazon Kindle, Portable eBook Reader,Kindle Covers, Kindle Books and Accessories.
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